Lord’s Supper

Join us for communion as we remember the sacrifice that Christ made for us. The elements of bread and juice symbolize Christ’s broken body and His blood shed for the remission of our sins. We invite those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to participate in this time of communion during any of our services on the listed date.

If you're participating in one of our online services from home, here's how you can join us:
You'll need to gather crackers or unleavened bread and grape juice for you and any other family members who will be participating. Be sure to invite others to this online service! The crackers or unleavened bread represent the body of Jesus, broken for us. If you don’t have any crackers, don’t worry. You can use sandwich bread, a hotdog bun or even a cooked tortilla. Remember it’s not WHAT you eat, it’s remembering WHY (Jesus) you eat. The grape juice represents the blood of Jesus and the new covenant given to us. If you don’t have grape juice, it’s ok. Use water or your favorite beverage. Remember it’s not WHAT you drink, it’s remembering WHY (Jesus) you drink. 

Lord’s Supper
Sunday, November 3, 2024 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM